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Friends Match Me free dating app/site

100% totally free dating site/app

in partnership with Me We Too for profile mini polls
Find out who's like you!

You control the algorithm: Search & Message who you like
Start as Friends, Go Anywhere!
Real Relationships for Singles Worldwide
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How we're different:
You're the priority here.
This dating app is FREE and ALWAYS WILL BE.
KISS - keep it stupid simple dating app
We KISS - "Keep It Super Simple". You see someone's profile you like, you can message them, and they can read it and reply. And vice versa. Simple.
LOTS of totally free tools to search, discover, and communicate. We consider these core essential features and they are going to actually STAY 100% FREE!
Designed for SPEED with QUALITY: Set your preferences and get lists of profile pictures with basic info.  Click to view the full profile matching your criteria.  No one-by-one swiping without any navigation/search tools. (Leave the finger workout to texting or video games!)
No Hidden Fees!
Our bottom line isn't about profits, but making REAL CONNECTIONS.
The BEST dating site/app if you are looking for
Match A Date
Match A Long-Term Relationship
Match Marriage
Match Marriage & Children
Match Or...yes, a Friend or Activity Partner!
Doesn't matter whether you're gay, straight, or bi...man, woman, or other.
Love Chemistry Sparks

100% totally free access to all the possible tools you can imagine to find your match and feel the sparks...

First step is finding them - or let them find you! View your matches based on your preferences, check who is searching for you (reverse matches),... and your mutual matches, where you both match each other's preferences! You can also check out who's viewed your profile and who's favorited you, if their privacy settings allow it.

Next step: Consider whether there may be chemistry and there's a spark! It's easier and faster with member videos, photos. and detailed profiles!

Search for your match

Quick Search Tool to Advanced Search Filters for Match Preferences for member attributes, from location, age, gender to religion, ethnicity, languages spoken, education, relationship status / relationship(s) looking for, personality traits, and more... including a distance search to find singles in your area.

Connect with Me We Too profile

Option to connect with Me We Too for more member compatibility insights through user-generated mini polls on personality, beliefs, and experiences. Check out what you Me Too/Hmm/Not Me with other singles also connected to Me We Too. Click through to their Me We Too profile for more connections info and what you agree/disagree on.

Facebook Similar Likes check

Option to connect with Facebook. Find members with Similar Facebook Likes, and share your Facebook Likes on your profile.

Favorite, Contact other members

Favorite, Private Message, and Instant Chat
Free Messaging between members means you can send & read email without worrying if they/you have access! Keep track of who you want to message by favoriting or just going to your "Who I'm Checking Out" page. Get notifications of new messages, and easily find them in your inbox!

privacy controls

Privacy Controls on your account activity - choose to let other members know when you view them or favorite them - and you also have the option to keep your profile private to select countries.

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(Facebook account not required to use Friends Match Me)

Love will find its way through all languages on its own -Rumi, Persian Poet

Friends Match Me is the Best Totally Free Dating Site/App with Members Worldwide!
You can connect with singles from countries all around the world - or choose to keep your profile only visible to select countries - including from the United States, India, United Kingdom, Australia, Nigeria, Canada, Ghana, South Africa, Philippines, Pakistan, Germany, Senegal, United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Kenya, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Brazil, Ireland, Egypt, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Turkey, Uganda, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Belgium, Gambia, Algeria, Greece, Morocco, Singapore, Norway, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Thailand, Nepal, Portugal, Iraq, Denmark, Sierra Leone, Benin, Romania, Cameroon, China, Liberia, Zambia, Iran, Islamic Republic of, Austria, Tunisia, Cyprus, Cote D'Ivoire, Israel, Switzerland, Jordan, Sudan, Tanzania, United Republic of, Colombia, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Poland, Argentina, Lebanon, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Bolivia, Namibia, Finland, Japan, Albania, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Barbados, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Fiji, Malawi, Croatia, Georgia, Togo, Mauritius, Rwanda, Estonia, Qatar, Antigua and Barbuda, Serbia and Montenegro, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Peru, Northern Mariana Islands, Botswana, Czech Republic, Venezuela, Chile, Belize, Hungary, Armenia, Costa Rica, Haiti, Saint Lucia, Panama, Bahrain, Yemen, Syrian Arab Republic, Lithuania, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Mali, Suriname, Viet Nam, Dominica, Malta, Angola, Guinea, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Slovenia, Netherlands Antilles, Belarus, Swaziland, Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Taiwan, Province of China, Hong Kong, Uruguay, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Lesotho, Ecuador, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Somalia, Azerbaijan, Guinea-Bissau, Myanmar, Grenada, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of, Burkina Faso, Iceland, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Korea, Republic of, Latvia, American Samoa, Bhutan, Kuwait, Palestinian Territory, Occupied, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Mongolia, Seychelles, Gabon, Samoa, Madagascar, Congo, Central African Republic, Honduras, Mauritania, Burundi, Tajikistan, Moldova, Republic of, Reunion, Solomon Islands, Anguilla, Guam ...

Love is a better teacher than duty -Albert Einstein