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Friends Match Me free dating app/site

100% totally free dating site/app

in partnership with Me We Too for profile mini polls
Find out who's like you!

Find out who's like you!
Send your messages to the universe!

Safety Tips

1. Don't rush it, move at a pace you are comfortable with.  Use the online tools to get to know a person first before agreeing to meet in person.  Ask a member to skype to video chat.

2. When meeting in person, choose a public place - like a restaurant, cafe, or mall - not your home or hotel room.

3.  Provide your own transportation to and from the meeting place.

4. Tell a friend your plans, check in when you come home from the date.

5.  You could also limit your online dating to members with mutual Facebook friends on Friends Match Me.  Check with your mutual Facebook friend about the member.

6. Don't provide any personal info on your profile.

7. Don't send money to someone you meet online. If someone requests money online, use the website report button to report the situation.

8. Ask a lot of questions.  Stay away from anyone who pressures you to move at a pace you are not comfortable with, and doesn't respect your space or let you take your time.

9. Use the website report button to report any member you feel is acting inappropriately.

10. Use the privacy settings to set how your profile is searched & viewed.  Currently only members can view profiles.